1970 | |||||
RAM Board 3301 |
LSI Memories Prices |
10 000 000 bits of Shift Registers |
1024-bit RAM 1103 (1) |
1024-bit RAM 1103 (2) |
1971 | |||||
Announcing MOS ROM 1601 |
RAM Board Built with 1103 |
45 000 000 bits of 1103 RAM |
First erasable MOS ROM 1701 |
4004 CPU Introduction |
1972 | |||||
Memory 1103 Systems |
Dual 1024-bit Shift Register |
Static RAM 2102 |
1973 | |||||
PROM 1702A |
Intel works with INFOREX |
Intel works with SEIKO |
Intel works with HELENA LABS |
Intel works with PITNEY-BOWES |
4004 4-bit CPU 8008 8-bit CPU |
Intellec MCS-8 |
Static RAM 2105 |
COME JOIN US Campaign |
1974 | |||||
Smart System for almost everything |
Static RAM 2102 (1) |
8080 CPU Introduction |
Static RAM 2102 (2) |
2401 cuts Shift register |
Static RAM 2105 |
4K $12 RAM |
4040 CPU Introduction |
1976 | |||||
Microcomputer I/O devices |
8080 System |
Single Board Computer 80/10 |
SDK 8080 |
8080 Peripheral |
Serie 3000 support |
370/125 Memory |
PDP-11 Memory |
1977 |
Compatible RAMs 2104 & 2116 |
Single Board Computer 80/20 |
Microcomputer Systems |
370/158 & 370/168 Memory |
Microcomputers changing world |
Intellec PL/M |
4K Static RAM Family |
More Semiconductor |
8085 CPU Introduction |
EPROM 8748 |
Single Board Computer Family |
Microcomputer 8085 design |
SDK 8085 |
Nine Years of Growth |
1978 |
Six single chip microcomputers |
22-pin 4K RAM |
Microcomputer Components |
PDP-11/70 memory |
32K & 64K EPROM |
JAN qualified 8080A |
Memory system 2114 (1) |
Memory system 2114 (2) |
MOS RAM 2115A & 2125A |
8085A CPU Introduction |
New 11 Mhz 8049 |
The Age of the 8086 |
MCS-86 Microcomputer |
New fully static 4K RAMs |
5034 Single Board MOS memory |
uScope 820 |
Microcomputers Profitably |
SDK 8086 |